Deepika Padukone and Ranbir Kapoor starrer Yeh Jawaani Hain Deewani is gearing up for a re-release in the theatres. It is set to return to the big screens on January 3, 2025.Following the recent trend of re-releases, this film will re-release across 140 cinemas in 46 cities. Talking about it, Karan Johar, producer of the film, said, “Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani holds a special place in the heart of Dharma Productions. The film has great music, stunning locations, some of our most loved actors, and a story that resonates across all generations. It’s just the perfect film to start the new year. The film leaves you with a warm, fuzzy feeling about life. We can’t wait to see how Gen Z feels about watching it as adults on the big screen while millennials join in, singing along and repeating all the dialogues before the actors do.”Director Ayan Mukerji said, “This movie feels like my second child, a part of my heart and soul. More than a decade later, I can confidently say that creating it was one of the greatest joys of my life. What we accomplished, despite its perfections and imperfections, remains a source of immense and lasting pride for me.”