Demands of clerical cadre genuine; shall be resolved at an earliest: Altaf Bukhari


Shadow Correspondent
Minister of Finance, Labour and Employment Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari today chaired a meeting with representatives of clerical cadre in which all their demands were discussed threadbare.
The meeting was attended by Chief Secretary B. B. Vyas, Principal Secretary Finance Naveen Choudhary, Director CODES Mohammad Rafi Andrabi and Representatives of various Clerical Associations.
The meeting termed the issues raised by the clerical cadre as genuine and assured that the problem shall be resolved in a time-bound manner. The meeting agreed in principle to the suggestions made by the representatives of the cadre. The Minister observed that the exact roll-out of the framework to resolve their grievances related to pay scales will be ensured within a month in which all necessary modalities will be worked out.
The Minister remarked that although the frame-work will mean a huge financial burden on the state-exchequer, yet in the larger interest of the people and the employees, the government will resolve it, adding that the government will accord a favourable consideration to the suggestion put-forth by representatives of the clerical associations.
Bukhari solicited the cooperation of the employees to resume their work immediately in order to mitigate the sufferings of the general public, to which the representatives agreed.


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