Depression Raises Risk Of Early Death in Women: 5 Foods That May Help Curb Depression


Women are taking over the world and how! Be it the corporate sector, education or the sports there is just no stopping the women achievers, but to this bright side of affairs there is also a dark side which involves the excess pressure caused by changing societal roles and the stress of multiple responsibilities. According to a latest study, this stress and anxiety is rapidly contributing to the rising cases of depression amongst women who are succumbing to death sooner than before.
The study published in CMAJ revealed that the risk of death associated with depression appeared strongest in the years following a depressive episode.
“During the recent years in which women’s risk of death increased significantly, roles have changed dramatically both at home and in the workplace, and many women shoulder multiple responsibilities and expectations,” said Ian Colman from the University of Ottawa.
the team discovered that the lifespan for young adults with depression at age 25 was markedly shorter over the 60-year period — the lifespan shortened ranging from 10 to 12 fewer years of life, then four to seven years and later sevento 18 fewer years of life.
“At first the association was limited to men, but in later years it was seen for women as well,” said Stephen Gilman from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development in Maryland, US.
For the study, the team analyzed the 60 years of mental health data on 3410 adults from a region in Atlantic Canada and linked the data to deaths in the Canadian Mortality Database.
Though depression has also been linked with poorer diet, lack of exercise, smoking and alcohol consumption – Most of these factors can result in chronic health conditions –but further study and research needs to be done to find out if any of these factors have a direct link to the rising trend of early deaths.
The researchers said that family physicians should monitor the patients for mood disturbances, especially recurrent episodes of depression for immediate treatment and care.
You are what you eat and your diet can play a crucial role in maintaining mental health. Try to include these foods in your daily diet to curb symptoms of depression.
1. Complex carbohydrates
Include foods that are rich in complex carbs in your diet like whole grains and brown rice. A lot of studies have shown that low carb diets have been linked to nervousness, anxiety, decreased concentration and insomnia.
2. Vitamin D
A deficiency of this nutrient if often linked with mood swings and depression. Add natural sources of Vitamin D like mushrooms, eggs and soy milk to your diet.
3. Antioxidants
Antioxidants can help in reducing the oxidative stress on your mental health. Berries and foods like cherries, grapes and dark leafy greens are your best bet.
4. Good quality proteins
Protein rich foods are known to boost alertness. Some of them contain an amino acid called tryptophan which helps your body make the mood boosting brain chemical, serotonin. Peas, beans, soya, lentils and paneer are good options and so are chicken and fish.
5. Protein rich foods
“Protein rich foods are known to boost alertness. Some of them contain an amino acid called tryptophan which helps your body make the mood boosting brain chemical, serotonin. For vegetarians peas, beans, soya, lentils and paneer are good sources of protein and non-vegetarians should opt for lean meat and eggs,” says Dr. Anju Sood.


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