Diabetes Diet: This Guava Salad May Help Keep Your Sugar Under Control


The World Diabetes Day 2019 is around the corner. This year, the theme of World Diabetes Day is ‘Family and Diabetes’. Diabetes is a condition that is characterised by elevated blood sugar levels. Fluctuating blood sugar levels is said to have very detrimental effects on the body. Diabetes is linked with weight gain, kidney failure and cardiovascular risks. The growing prevalence of diabetes around the world has become a cause of concern for many. According to findings of a study, published by the Lancet Journal, about 98 million Indians are at risk of developing diabetes by the year 2030. Diabetics need to practice extra caution when it comes to their diet. While they must refrain from refined sugar found in pastries, cupcakes and maida-based goods, fruits juices may up their sugar levels too. It is advisable that diabetics should have whole fruits instead. There are many fruits that may help keep your blood sugar levels in control – you just have to pick wisely.Guavas are back in season and we are elated. The crunchy fruit is a treasure trove of health benefits. It is good for digestion, weight loss, skin and heart, and guess what it could do wonders for diabetes management too.
1. Guava is a high fibre fruit with a low Glycaemic index. It helps enable gradual release of sugar in the bloodstream, which helps prevent blood sugar spikes.
2. Many diabetics complain of weight gain, guavas are low in calories and carbs, which makes them effective for healthy weight management.
World Diabetes Day 2019: How To Use Guavas in A Diabetes Diet
You can tuck into guavas raw. They are their nutritious best when they are raw and ripe. Therefore, guava jams, guava juice, and guava chutney are not very advisable. You can use guavas to make a variety of salad. We have a recipe for you – Guava Salad.


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