Different Political parties and Social organizations hold protest during Jammu Bandh


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu Province People’s Forum (JPPF) extended heartiest thanks to Jammuites, all presidents of different market associations, auto unions, matador unions for extending their whole heartily support for Jammu Bandh called by BAJ.
A massive procession of different member organisations of JPPF was taken out all across the Jammu from Jammu city, Kanak Mandi, Gumat Chowk, Talab Tillo, Muthi, Janipur , New Plot, Amphalla, Kachi Chhawani. They made the masses aware about their rights.
The procession finally concluded at Dogra Hall Thakkar Sabha the head quarter of JPPF.
The procession was lead by Pavitar Singh who said that that JPPF’s basic aim is to fight for the welfare of the people of Jammu province.
“We all need to unite and raise united voice for inclusive growth and development of jammu region” he said.
He finally added now we all have to be keep ready for decisive fight against discrimination being meted out by the people of Jammu province.
Other prominent persons who were part of the procession were Th Narayan Singh, M.S Katoch, Rajiv Mahajan, Inderjeet Khajuria, Avinash Bhatia, Uday Chand, Neeraj Anand, Balwan Singh, Prof O.P Sharma, Rajender Gupta, Pawan Singh Chib, Preeti Choudhary, Sunita Sharma, Rashpal Singh, B.K Sahney, P.R Slathia, Gurmit Singh, Naresh Thapa, Rajender Singh, Ram Rattan Sharma, Gourav Kapoor, Ram Singh, Pritam Sharma and Karnail Chand.
” Nationalist Student Congress (NSC) student wing of NCP extended full support to the Jammu Bandh call given by Bar Association Jammu and various organizations.
The NSC students protest was led by Er.Rishi Kaul Kilam National Executive Council Member and Incharge J&K.Showing resentment,dismay and anguish Er.Rishi said that our party feels an obligation to show solidarity and unity with like minded organizations who pleade and fight for the right and just cause of the neglected people of this provience irrespective of their religion and political affiliations and added that the presence of outsiders in Jammu is also violation of Artical 370.
Er. Rishi added that this protest is not religious or communal based.
This is purely against the injustice,nepotism,and corruption and discrimination.
The students from all the faith and religion they belong to have in a big way suffered at the criminal acts and hands of present dispensation.
Lastly Er.Rishi thanked all the NSC students who had come from Kathua to Join us Under the leadership of Er.Anil Kumar working President NSC,Mashqur Ahmad Media Incharge NSC,Sanjay,Manoj,Ankush,Ajay,Karan,TK.Kaul Vice President.Romesh Kumar State Incharge SC cell NSC, Simranjeet Singh, Vijay Kumar, Amit Kumar Bhagat.
” Jammu & Kashmir National Panthers Party JKNPP held a protest in the support of on going agitation speareheaded by Bar Association, Jammu.
JKNPP leaders including Gen. Secy. JKNPP, Anita Thakur, Secy. JKNPP, Shanker Singh, State Vice President YP, Partap Singh Jamwal, State Jt. Secy. YP, Rajinder Kumar along with activists of NPP start a rally from JKNPP office and joined the Bar Assocation rally.
JKNPP leaders said that BJP-PDP govt. has failed on all front.
They said that JKNPP against the illegal settelment of the Rohingyas and Bangladeshi, The minutes of the tribal affairs Deptt. and to support the demand of a CBI probe into the Rassana case in Kathua
Other who were present in this rally Distt. Secy. JKNPP, Nirmal Kishor, Luckey Singh, S Pawan Singh, Bihari Lal, Babu Ram, Mohinder Lal, Dilawar Khan, Sonu and others.
The Students of GGM Science College supported the Jammu Bandh Call given by Bar Association Students from various students organizations of Science College and specially the Hostel Boarders participated in this and Bicotted the regular class work and even skipped their internal assessments students organization like NPSU, JJSF & others participated in the Bandh.
Meanwhile, President NPSU, Thakur Virender Singh said that there is no place for Rohingyas in our state as they are threat to the peace & prosperity of Jammu region.
He demanded quick action from Govt. otherwise people will teach them a lesion. He said that we can’t allow Jammu to be another Syria.
” Reminding of the ultimatum given to Mehbooba Govt , General secretary ShivSena bala sahib thackery Manish sahni said that the today’s bandh is just a trailer if Mehbbonba Govt. will not ensure of sending Rohingyas out of Jammu as soon as possible they should be ready to face dire consequences as the Jammuites have understood their hidden agenda and will no more tolerate it.
Talking on successful bandh he elaborated that people voluntarily co operated as the present Government has lost their faith among masses and people would not let their favour to one community
become successful. He equally held BJP responsible for this as their silence over the serious matter is privy to it.
He thanked to Hundreds of Shivsanik’s and the people of Jammu for this successful who came out on roads to make bandh successful.
On this occasion Mr Harsh K Gupta , Raju Chowd hary , Rajesh Gupta , Vikas Pate , Vikas Bakshi , Raj Singh , Pawan Singh , Rajan Gupta and Yashpal Khajurai.


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