Director Law Enforcement chairs review meeting


Shadow Correspondent
Director Law Enforcement Abdul Rahim Samoon today chaired a review meeting of the officers of Law Enforcement Agency Kashmir Division.
The Director took stock of the working of the Enforcement Agency Officers and reviewed district wise status of the inspections made and samples collected of various pesticides and insecticides and also contraventions detected, suspended and corrected. Samoon emphasized upon the officers for close coordination at district and divisional level to bring transparency and accountability in the system. He instructed for issuing licences to various stakeholders strictly as per the provisions of the law. He further stressed for making necessary procedures against the violators as per the Insecticide Act.
In the meeting it was revealed that Enforcement officers/officials will be provided 4 days training / orientation course by the experts from N.I.P.H.M Hyderabad at Lalmandi, in the next week to update their knowledge and skills.
The meeting was attended by Dy. Director Law Enforcement, Plant Protection Officer, Kashmir , State Coordinator for Fertilisers, Assistant Director Law Enforcement, District Law Enforcement Officers, Enforcement Inspectors and other field functionaries.


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