Disha Patani has been receiving a lot of messages on her social media handles not only from male fans but also from all her female fans who are in awe of her fitness and lifestyle. Females are curious to know about Disha’s fitness regime and the routine she follows.
The actress, who is quite popular on social media, was surprised to see her popularity among female fans. Disha Patani had amassed a sizeable fan-following through her sizzling fashion sense, ultra-hot photoshoots, and regular Instagram posts.
The actress spearheading for her upcoming film ‘Bharat’ doesn’t miss out a single chance on sharing her impeccable workout videos and high octane action stunts on Instagram. Taking the internet by storm with her captivating action pictures and videos, the actress receives more messages from girls rather than boys.
The actress representing the trapeze artist is working relentlessly to nail the art. Owing to immense fan following in India, Disha Patani has become a national sensation for her incredible workout prep for ‘Bharat’. Disha Patani is the only actress in Bollywood to perfect her action roles without using a body double which has garnered her love from her fans.
After the blockbuster success, ‘MS Dhoni: The Untold Story’ and ‘Baaghi 2’ Disha Patani will be next seen in the upcoming film ‘Bharat’ which stars Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif in the lead.