Actor and filmmaker Divya Khossla is active in both the theatrical and fashion spaces. Last year, during the Ambani wedding, Divya wore an unreleased gown by designer Sabyasachi. Recently, the brand celebrated 25 years of showcasing Indian textiles and fabrics. At the celebration, the unreleased gown worn by Divya Khossla was part of the collection.Divya Khossla stunned in a solid black sleeveless gown featuring a balloon bottom. Layered with heavy floral embroidery in the hues of pink, green, purple, and orange, the actress made a striking fashion statement. She paired the gown with a classic Sabyasachi belt, giving a contemporary twist to her ensemble. For the accessories, the Savi actress simply layered her outfit with a pearl choker, studded earrings, a bracelet, and rings. She styled her hair in a sleek bun and opted for nude makeup.By touching the corners of acting, directing, and fashion, Divya Khossla has proven to be an all-rounder, leaving the netizens eager for her upcoming projects and fashion revolutions.