Do not distort history, Brig Gupta to Mani Shankar Aiyar


Shadow Correspondent
Suspended Congress leader Mani Shankar Aiyar who is known for his Islamo- Fascist ideology and suffers from a ‘foot in mouth’ disease has once again let down the vast majority of Indians on an enemy nation’s soil by making a historically and factually incorrect statement in which he blamed Vir Savarkar, Hindu Maha Sabha leader, as the first proponent of Two-Nation theory in 1923 mentioned Brig Anil Gupta, State Spokesperson of Bharatiya Janata Party, in a press release issued here. It is unfortunate that Congress leadership is trying to communalise the state election in Karnatka where the party is desperate to win the election at any cost. The party has announced 4% reservation for Muslims in government jobs in its manifesto, ignoring the Lingayats, whom it had declared a minority religion just before the elections. It has also promised to open “Maulana Azad” Schools in all talukas for minorities, giving even education of children a communal colour. The party has crossed all limits by promising health insurance and education to the children of auto and taxi drivers belonging to minority community only lamented Brig Gupta.
As far as Mani Shankar is concerned it is nothing new for him.This is not the first time that the cynical politician has made a controversial remark. And it is not the first time he has done so in Pakistan. In the past, he has said that he receives more hatred in India than love in Pakistan. Earlier this year, at the height of Indo-Pak tensions, he had said that India is still caught in a “partially 1947 situation” while there is “change of mindset” in the neighbouring country, highlighted Brig Gupta and added that his assessment was far from reality and aimed only at letting down his own countrymen. He also stirred a controversy before Gujarat elections through dubious attempt at “Dinner Diplomacy” with Pakistani diplomats.
Has Aiyar forgotten the Moplah rebellion in Kerala in 1921, a black chapter of history, questioned Brig Gupta? Moplah Rebellion was an Anti-Hindu rebellion conducted by the Muslim Mappila community of Kerala in 1921. Inspired by the Khilafat movement (Congress supported) and the Karachi resolution; Moplahs murdered, pillaged, and forcibly converted thousands of Hindus.100,000 Hindus were driven away from their homes forcing to leave their property behind, which were later taken over by Mappilas. Mohommed Haji was proclaimed the Caliph of the MoplahKhilafat and flags of Islamic Caliphate were flown. Ernad and Walluvanad were declared Khilafat kingdoms, reads the press release. Therefore, Aiyar’s statement is not only distortion of history but also another ugly attempt to communalise the electorate in Karnatka, blamed Brig Gupta.


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