DSS urges for maintaining mutual harmony amongst the society


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, Nov, 26
An emergency virtual meeting was convened by the president Dogra sadar Sabha J&K Th. Gulchain Singh Charak, Former Minister, where in the Sabha urged upon the different political parties to maintain harmony amongst the various sections of the society and avoid provocative demonstrations which have the potential of disturbing public peace. In a statement issued here, the members of the sabha feel that the protests and conflicts took place of the type in a part of the city on Wednesday the 25th of November, against the alleged encroachment of state land in terms of the Roshni Act, which resulted in an unsavoury situation and was brought under control only by the intervention of the law and order authorities,the same should be avoided as these were fraught with dangerous consequences.
All the members present in the meeting were of the opinion that the Hon’ble High Court has already given its decision in the matter and action as per due process of law will be taken against the encroachers in terms of the decision of the Hon’ble Court. The attempt to flare up the issue with an apparent eye on vote bank politics needs to be shunned, keeping in view the sensitivity of the matter. The Sabha feels that Jammu has been known for peace, brotherhood and mutual respect between different sections of the society for centuries, and all concerned need to ensure that these credentials of the city are maintained at all costs.
The DSS therefore appeals to all political parties and to all sections of the society to exercise restraint and ensure that peace is maintained in this region at all costs.
Prominent among others who participated in the meeting were Abdul Majid co-convener(AJCSF), Col. Karan Singh (Retd.)Vice President DSS,Prem Sagar Gupta Gen.Secretary DSS, Gh.Ahmed Khwaja(Retd. DC), Prof.R.R Sharma(Former VC), Prof.R.D Sharma(Former VC), Maj. Gen. Sunita Kapoor(Retd.), Mrs.Uma katal, Amanat Ali Shah, Sdr. Kulbir Singh, Sdr.Balwinder Singh,Yash Pal Gupta(FRAJ), Neeraj Anand(CTFJ), Gambhir Dev Singh Charak, Janak Khajuria, Raghubir Singh & Chhankar Singh.


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