Eating Eggs May Lower The Risk Of Heart-Related Diseases


Eggs, since ages, have been one of the most popular food items. From its varied culinary usages to high nutritional value, egg has been one of the most affordable and easily available foods around us. Experts have always suggested consumption of eggs due to its high protein content. It is also packed with several vitamins and minerals. Adding on to its health benefits, a recent study has found that eating 3 to 6 eggs per week may lower the risks of heart-related diseases and death. The study was conducted by researcher Xia and her colleagues from Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. As per the study, there was a U-shaped relationship between egg consumption and the risks of cardiovascular disease (CVD) incidents and total death among people. An elaborate explanation showed that consumption of 1 egg per week was associated to 22 percent higher risk of CVD and 29 percent higher risk of total death; and 10 eggs per week was associated to 39 percent higher risk of CVD and 13 percent higher risk of total death. However, those who consumed 3 to 6 eggs per week were found to have the lowest risk of any kind of cardiovascular disease. This implied that neither much, nor excess number of egg consumption is good for human heart.The study also highlighted that influence of egg consumption varied across CVD subtypes – where higher consumption was linked to increased risk of coronary heart diseases (CHD) and ischemic stroke; lower consumption was linked to increased risk of hemorrhagic stroke. As per a report in ANI, the new study was conducted based on the project of Prediction for Atheros clerotic Cardiovascular Disease Risk in China (China-PAR), which was established to estimate the epidemic of CVD and identify the related risk factors in a general Chinese population.


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