ECI urged to take swift action against BJP’s candidate vis-à-vis PM’s violative speech in Akhnoor


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, Mar, 29
Prof. Bhim Singh, a candidate of Panthers Party from Jammu – Poonch Parliamentary Constituency has made a strong appeal in a letter to the Chief Election Commission of India urging the CEC to take appropriate action against the BJP and its candidate from Jammu – Poonch Parliamentary constituency. He said that Prime Minister of India, Mr. Modi during his speech at Akhnoor (border town) on Mar 28, 2019 made several comments which directly and heavily violate the election rules rather his entire speech was derogatory, violative of Code of Conduct and election rule. NPP candidate from Akhnoor in his letter to the ECI said that Prime Minister, Mr. Modi addressed a meeting from the crop field where nearly 75 canals of cultivated land was demolished and entire crop was destroyed by heavy bulldozers of the state govt. to clear the field for setting up a platform for the Prime Minister to addressed the farmers in Akhnoor, about 20 kilometers away from Indo-Pak (International) Border. According to the press report Rs. 30,000 were paid to the farmers for each canal. The total amount that was paid by the state govt. to make a political/election campaign stage cost about 3,000,000 (about thirty lacs). The cost to work and prepare a political for elections speech of the Prime Minister is estimated Rs. 5 lacs. Besides, nearly 1 lac chairs were brought on rent from Jammu, a distance of over 40 kilometers that must have cost the BJP Rs. 1500,000 (15 lacs). In addition about 300 buses were deployed according to the estimates. All that was done at the expenses of the state.
Besides this the Prime Minister’s speech concluded with the remarks he made before the public that he & his party, BJP is spending all this money and doing labour is for the sake of votes (Hum Yeh Sab Kuch Kar Rahey Hai App Ke Vote Ke Liye). This was highly violative of the Code of Conduct as the political parties do not work for vote but for the sake of the people and their welfare, vote or no vote, do not matter. The Prime Minister’s speech was also violative and insulted the graceful soldiers, Army Officers & bureaucrats who have been working for the society and their welfare. The soldiers defend the nation with their guns and sacrifice their lives for the sake of the nation while fighting with guns. The soldiers and the Army do not fight as Chowkidar. Chowkidar is one distinguished class of citizens. The Prime Minister has used this word, Chowkidar, which does not go or grow with the entire society which has many classes of workmen. Chowkidar is one of the classes.
NPP Jammu Candidate of Panthers Party urged the Election Commission of India for immediate action against those who violated the Election rules and the Code of Conduct while holding an exclusive public meeting after demolishing a crop field for violating the rules and the election Code of Conduct. He also demanded ECI to hold an urgent enquiry into the all Affairs so that every citizen of India/voter is informed about the violation of election rules by the Prime Minister of India at Akhnoor which falls on the banks of Chenab River.


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