The Swedish Greek beauty Elisabet Elli AvrRam has a great fan following in Bollywood, the actress is known as Elli AvrRam in the industry. She is widely loved for her beauty and sexy dance numbers. The actress is on a holiday and seems to be enjoying it and savoring every bit of it. She recently shared a video from her vacation in the Maldives, where she is spotted in a cute mauve bikini which she paired with a vibrant shrug while biking away on scenic tracks. Elli will next be seen in Roohi Afzana, a comedy horror film directed by Hardik Mehta and produced by Dinesh Vijan under the banner Maddock Films. It tells the story of a ghost who abducts brides on their honeymoons. The movie also stars Rajkummar Rao, Varun Sharma, and Alexx O’Neill.