Esha Gupta unleashes her wild side in Dubai with an animal print bikini. Esha Gupta! Just the name will set your mind racing with images that are sure to burn up your screen. Well, after a break it seems like the ‘Queen of Hot’ Esha Gupta is making a comeback with her scintillating posts. Currently in Dubai, Esha’s latest post on the image sharing site Instagram is a depiction of the actress unleashing her wide side in an animal print bikini. Sharing the image, Esha Gupta simply added, “Hi Dubai”.
Going by the salutations we wonder if it is Esha’s way of issuing a warning to netizens before she raises temperatures, or just her way of brightening up a sunny day. But whatever be the case we for sure are not complaining! Back on the work front, Esha who was last seen in Commando 2 and in a special appearance in Paltan will next be seen in Total Dhamaal, and Hera Pheri 3 .