Sonu Sood, known for his genuine work and philanthropy, recently shared high praise for his Fateh co-star Jacqueliene Fernandez. Calling her ‘one of the nicest girls’ he has ever worked with, Sonu highlighted her professionalism and down-to-earth nature in a recent interview.“Jacqueliene is one of the nicest girls I have come across, one of the easiest actors I have worked with in my entire career. She’s the kind of girl who will always come on time, whether she gets a vanity van or not,” he said, emphasizing her dedication and humility on set.Recalling a particular incident during the shoot of Fateh in Amritsar, Sonu revealed how Jacqueliene’s grounded personality stood out. “I remember we were shooting in Amritsar, the market was a typical, busy Punjabi market. There was a chase sequence going on, and she was sitting there calmly, on a stool in a corner, talking to the school kids. The highly anticipated action thriller marks an exciting pairing of Jacqueliene Fernandez and Sonu Sood, as they bring to life a gripping tale of justice and redemption, that is set against the backdrop of a rarely explored genre of cybercrime. Further talking about Fateh, it also marks the directorial debut of Sonu Sood and is set to release on January 10, 2025.