Feature film titled “Kashmir The Final Resolution” released


Shadow Correspondent
srinagar, NOV 26:
“Kashmir The Final Resolution” is a feature film which revisits the history of Kashmir, it analyses the conflicts of the past because of which Kashmir today is the Nuclear flash-point of the world.
The film stars Yuvraj Kumar and Rippy Koul in lead roles.
Director and Actor Yuvraj Kumar and screenplay writer Sonal Sher did an intense research on the Kashmir Issue & has come up with a practical resolution to the Kashmir problem.In the film, Rippy Koul a Kashmiri Pandit actress plays the role of an activist who propagates & revives the beautiful, pluralistic concept of Kashmiriyat in the film.
The film’s motive is to provide a practical solution to the problem in Kashmir and to propagate Kashmiriyat.


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