“Federation of Industries interact with Industries Minister”


Shadow Correspondent
A Delegation of Federation of Industries Jammu under the Chairmanship of Lalit Mahajan, Chairman FOIJ met with Chander Parkash, Industries & Commerce Minister in presence of Rattan Dogra, Deepak Dhawan, Jatinder Aul Co-Chairman, Pardeep Vaid Secretary General, Ajay Langer Convener, Sh. Bansi Lal Gupta, Gagan Jain Executive Committee Members of the Federation of Industries, Jammu.
During the course of discussions, Mr. Mahajan raised the issue in respect of uncertainty prevails in the mind of Micro & Small Scale Sector Units having less than 1.50 Crores turnover & not covered in the Central Excise prior to GST, as the Fiscal Incentives granted vide SRO No. 63 for the refund of SGST only, whereas the Units covered under the SRO NO. 521 entitled for the Refund of 58% CGST as per Central Govt. Package of Incentives and 42% Refund by the State Govt. due to which un healthy competition foreseen in near future by the Micro & Small Scale Sector of the State as these Units not able to get any benefit for the CGST paid and we fear that in future majority of Micro & Small Scale Units may be closed.
The matter, regarding the cumbersome procedure in respect of Inspection of Units and the Audit defined in the said SRO,s for claiming the Refund, also brought in to the notice of the Minister, resulting harassment being faced by the Unit Holders in future in contrary to the Simplified procedure prior to GST under the VAT Regime for the Remission to the Industrial Units and we termed the cumbersome procedure as per SRO,s as an hurdles in the Refund Mechanism, Encouragement to Inspector Raj and also against the concept of EASE OF DOING BUSINESS adopted by the Industries Department.


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