Fitness Diet: What To Eat Before, During And After A Heavy Workout Session


Exercising regularly can give the much-needed impetus to a weight loss program and help in bringing the desired results quickly. While the body braves those intense workout routines at the gym, it is all the more important to feed it the right kind of food. Your diet before, during and after workout should be carefully curated to help your body recover from the harsh exercise regime and prepare it to face it again. Probably, we all know this. However, what we may not know is what should we really eat? A recent study has come to relieve us from this confusion. It suggests eating quality carbohydrates as pre-workout food and lean proteins as post-workout food. The review paper that was published in the ‘Journal of Nutrition’, was carried out by researchers at the University of Sydney in Australia. The study points out that carbohydrate ingestion can improve endurance exercise performance. For the study, the researchers analysed 50 randomised studies on carbohydrate ingestion and endurance exercise. The team discovered that consuming carbohydrates can boost endurance exercise performance in adults.Nancy Cohen, a professor specialising in nutrition divulged, “By eating carbohydrate-rich foods that are low in fat and low or moderate in protein, you can make sure you have enough muscle glycogen as fuel for your physical activity. This might include low-fat granola bars, fig bars, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, banana, yogurt, pasta or other high-carbohydrate foods.” If you work out in the morning, try eggs, cereal and milk toast with peanut butter, or fruit and yogurt. In general, you can consume 5 to 10 millilitres of water per kilogram of body weight in the two to four hours before a workout.” Staying hydrated and energised during exercise is equally important. “Depending on the sport and the comfort of the individual, a range of foods or beverages could be useful here,” Cohen added. Juices, sports drink, granola bars, fruit, other high-carbohydrate foods and drinks may prove beneficial if consumed while exercising. And, after getting done with your exercise, it is best to eat lean proteins, such as dairy products, eggs and poultry. Cohen explained, “After long or very high-intensity workout, consuming 1 to 1.2 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight per hour for four to six hours, along with 15 to 25 grams of protein within the first hour after exercise, will replenish muscle glycogen stores as well as support muscle protein synthesis.””After lighter workout, eat a well-balanced meal, including high-quality protein and carbohydrates within two to three hours after finishing, and drink enough fluids to replace losses,” Cohen added.Till now it was believed that you should not exercise on an empty stomach. The experts say that while it may help in burning fat fast, it cannot yield permanent results in the long-term. So, make the necessary changes in your diet plan and make it better suited for your own fitness regime. According to an article published in Harvard Health Letter, eating breakfast regularly has been linked to a lower risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Starting your day with a healthy meal can help replenish your blood sugar, which your body needs to power your muscles and brain.Eating a healthy breakfast is especially important on days when exercise is on your agenda. Skipping breakfast can leave you feeling lightheaded or lethargic while you’re working out.Choosing the right kind of breakfast is crucial. Too many people rely on simple carbohydrates to start their day. A plain white bagel or doughnut won’t keep you feeling full for long.In comparison, a fiber- and protein-rich breakfast may fend off hunger pangs for longer and provide the energy you need to keep your exercise going.Thanks to low-carb fad diets, carbohydrates have gotten a bad rap. But carbohydrates are your body’s main source of energy. According to the Mayo Clinic, about 45 to 65 percent of your total daily calories should come from carbohydrates. This is especially true if you exercise.Consuming the right kind of carbohydrates is important. Many people rely on the simple carbs found in sweets and processed foods. Instead, you should focus on eating the complex carbs found in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and beans.Whole grains have more staying power than refined grains because you digest them more slowly.They can help you feel full for longer and fuel your body throughout the day. They can also help stabilize your blood sugar levels. Finally, these quality grains have the vitamins and minerals you need to keep your body running at its best.


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