Foods To Cure Angry Or Hostile Mood: Ayurvedic Home Remedies And Diet To Cool Temper


Anger is an emotion that is difficult to react to, understand and most importantly bring under control. And yet, it’s one of the most relatable human emotions. It’s seldom easy to understand or break down the root cause of anger when it’s coming from someone else, let alone control it or tame it when it’s stemming from inside you. We often become pretty illogical when we’re angry, and end up saying and doing things, which we ordinarily wouldn’t. This often leads to embarrassment and/or acts of passion which lead to frayed relationships. Psychology has a number of behavioural and medical therapies that are administered to people prone to frequent angry and emotional outbursts and hostile behaviours. But no branch of study or science has understood the body and the mind as thoroughly as the ancient Indian practice of Ayurveda. There are hardly any physical or psychological problems that Ayurveda doesn’t have answers to. Ayurveda has suggested practices to calm anger as well and it involves a couple of simple exercises with readily available foods and drinks.According to the book, The Complete Book Of Ayurvedic Home Remedies by Dr. Vasant Lad, anger is caused when the Pitta dosha or the fire energy of the body is aggravated. He writes, “Pitta is necessary for right understanding and judgement, but when it gets disturbed or out of balance, it creates misunderstanding and wrong judgement, leading to anger and hostility.” Dr. Lad has suggested some home remedies to calm the fire energy and bring temper under control.
Here Is An Ayurvedic Diet To Control Anger
Dr. Lad has dedicated an entire chapter in his book to map a ‘pitta-pacifying diet’, which involves avoiding foods that generate heat in the body, including hot, spicy and fermented foods. He has also suggested avoiding citrus and sour fruits until the pitta has calmed down. He has also advised to consume simple, bland and cooling foods when you’re angry and one must also keep away from alcohol and caffeinated foods and drinks during that time. More specifically, he has recommended two drinks for those looking to pacify their pitta.
Herbal Tea: Chamomile Tulsi Rose Tea
To prepare this tea, take one part chamomile, one part tulsi or holy basil and one part rose powder. Steep half a teaspoon of this mixture in a cup of hot water and keep it for some time, until the water cools down. Drinking this tea three times a day can soothe the aggravated pitta.
Pitta Pacifying Drink: Grape Juice Potion With Cumin, Fennel Seeds And Sandalwood
To make this potion, take one cup of grape juice and add half a teaspoon each of cumin or jeera, fennel or saunfand sandalwood powder or chandan to it. This drink, when consumed, might settle angry feelings in the body and also heal any burning sensations in the stomach.
Other than the diet, Dr. Lad also recommends breathing exercises and meditation, as ways of calming the aggravating pitta. These remedies makes sense as the ingredients involved in the food have a cooling effect on the body. So in conclusion, every time you feel angry or upset and want to snap at someone, take a few deep breaths and go make yourself a calming tea.


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