Forensic Science Laboratory refutes news story


Jammu, Feb 13:
Forensic Science Laboratory has rebutted a news story which appeared in newspaper on 01-12-2019 and 03-12-2019. Joint Director, FSL, Jammu has reported that the contents of news item are totally incorrect and attempts are being made to malign the image of the Department and create a scare among the public about the safety of the samples received by it for analysis. The daily newspaper had reported that there is no expert in FSC for the last two years. It was also reported that
Forensic Science
viscera samples are being sent out of J&K to other places of the country for examination/report. Besides, viscera samples got destroyed due to non-examination and are being kept in open and 60 to 70 viscera samples have been eaten up by rats and cats. It was also alleged that officers of FSL have told the concerned correspondent that examination of samples shall be taken up only after experts are appointed against the vacant posts. However, on the basis of the factual report submitted by Officer Incharge, FSL Jammu, the Directorate has given point to point rebuttal on the issue. They have clarified that there are 6 experts presently working in different divisions of FSL, Jammu. Any viscera sample received by FSL, Jammu is being examined at Jammu or in case need is felt then at FSL, Srinagar (Kashmir) and no such sample which is being received by FSL, Jammu is send outside J&K.

Taking a serious note of allegation that viscera samples have got destroyed due to non-examination, the Officers Incharge has presented the fact that unexamined viscera samples are received in screw capped jars in sealed condition from forwarding agencies. Further, Forensic Science Laboratory, Jammu takes every possible care for safeguard of the viscera samples and all unexamined viscera samples are kept within lock. There is no question of their being kept in open.

Further, all remnants of the examined viscera samples, in respect of which report is complete, are being sent for incineration at regular intervals under norms in vogue. All viscera samples are being kept within lock and there is no question of their being eaten by rats or cats.

It was also submitted that no expert or officer of the department has accepted that he/she has conveyed any information to the reporter of that daily news paper.

The concerned officer also informed that during 2018, against the receipt of 1969 cases, 1611 cases have been examined/disposed off by FSL. Jammu. Similarly, during the year 2019, against the receipt of 1727 cases, 1663 cases have been disposed off by FSL, Jammu.


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