Foundation Course for 69 trainee officers starts at Jammu, Srinagar Campuses of J&K IMPARD


Shadow Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 04:
The Joint Foundation Course, Phase-I, for the Officers of Junior Scale J&K Administrative Service, J&K Police Service and J&K Accounts Service was today started at both the Jammu and Srinagar campuses of J&K IMPARD.
In view of the COVID19 Pandemic & consequent health Safety concerns, the 69 officers selected for the Joint Foundation Course have been divided into three manageable groups with one group of 22 trainee officers receiving training at IMPARD campus Srinagar and the other two groups of 23 and 24 officers at IMPARD campus Jammu.
Prof.Reva Sharma, Director, Trainings, J&K IMPARD, Jammu inagurated the Joint Foundation Course at Jammu Campus and Prof. Mushtaq Khan, Director, Trainings, J&K IMPARD, Kashmir at the Srinagar campus.
Prof. Sunita Zalpuri, Dean, Trainee Welfare, Dr. Neena Bhalla, Associate Professor, Dr. Jahan Ara Jabeen, Associate Professor, Ms Manju Kapoor, Assistant Professor, Dr. Ruchi Gupta, Assistant Professor and Dr. Bilal Ahmed Bhat, Assisstant Professor also interacted with the trainee officers.
During the interaction with the trainee officers, the faculty members of J&K IMPARD emphasised on the significance of training as a tool for performance enhancement and the need for officers to be ready with right degree of motivation, professionalism and devotion to work. Impact of information technology, e-governance, new researches in the field of economy, ecology & environment, administrative reforms, gender sensitivity, decentralised participatory development, adopting a citizen centric approach to development and the requirement of reinventing public administration in sync with new challenges and ever changing scenarios was also stressed.
The trainee officers were also made familiar with various aspects of public administration including managing human and material resources and all round personality development with emphasis on developing leadership capabilities.
The trainee officers at both the Jammu and Srinagar campuses were also briefed about the various modules of the Joint Foundation Course which would cover subjects like public administration, Management and Behavioural Sciences, history of J&K, Culture, Economics, Law, Political Concepts, Constitution and Information Technology among others.


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