Free Physiotherapy camp held


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, July 23:
Jammu College of physiotherapy Hospital organized a free camp at Aap Shamboo Temple, Roop Nagar here on Monday. The camp was aimed at screening patients with various musculo skeletal and neurological ailments among geriatric population and public in general. Team of doctors comprised of Dr. Rishu Sharma and Dr. Anjum along with students of BPT final year at least 55 patients were examined during the free camp and also given basic physiotherapy treatment on spot. A free awareness session was conducted during camp for general population regarding the importance of exercises and their role maintaining a healthy well being.
On the occasion Chairperson of Jammu College of Physiotherapy Hospital Mrs. Suman Sharma lauded the efforts of the faculty and administrative staff for conducting such camps and instructed the management to organize such more free camps in future to help society .
Principal of college Dr. Navinderpal Singh extended his gratitude towards Chairperson Mrs. Suman Sharma and management of college for supporting such activities. He also expressed his gratitude towards the temple management for their support.


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