From black tea to yogurt, five foods to prevent cold and flu


While there’s no magical way to escape the wrath of the winter season, keeping a check on your food intake can certainly help you to prevent seasonal flu and viral diseases. From black tea to yoghurt and oranges, these food have the power to protect against influenza, a common infection of the upper respiratory tract that can cause serious complications in older adults, pregnant women, infants and people with certain chronic health problems such as asthma. Here’s a quick guide to the food you must include in your regular diet to prevent flu and cold.
Black Tea
Black tea prepared with a ginger, lemongrass and other spices helps protect your body against cold and flu. A research at Harvard University also showed that people who drank five cups of black tea a day for 2 weeks had improved immune system T cells to pump out 10 times more cold and flu virus-fighting interferon.

Yoghurt, Buttermilk
Researcher have found that yoghurt contains a bacteria called Lactobacillus reuteri that reduces the susceptibility of catching cold. These bacteria ware found to produce immune substances that help in protecting the body from flu and cold.

Green Leafy Vegetable
Vegetables like spinach, broccoli, kale, cabbage among others are a rich source of vitamins like A, C and E. These seasonal fresh vegetables boost immunity and safeguard your body from flu and influenza.
Apart from adding flavour to your food, garlic provides your body with several health benefits. Eating 3-4 cloves of raw garlic every morning boosts immunity and helps to keep viral infections at bay. It is also a very efficient anit-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral agent which prevents microbial infections in the body.
Oranges and lemons
Seasonal fruits like oranges, kinnow, lemon, lime, tomato among others are a rich source of vitamin C and anti-oxidants. They help in building boosting immunity in the body keeping you safe from seasonal flu and viral infections.


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