Ram Charan’s political drama ‘Game Changer,’ featuring him and one of Bollywood’s finest, Kiara Advani, had a strong opening but struggled to keep up its momentum at the box office. The film began to see a notable decline starting from day two and has yet to bounce back since then.As per Sacnilk, the movie collected approximately Rs 4.54 Cr on Thursday, which includes Rs 2.88 Cr from Telugu, Rs 0.54 Cr from Tamil, and Rs 1.12 Cr from Hindi. This figure represents a decline of around 35 percent compared to the day 6 collection of Rs 7 Cr (with Rs 4.75 Cr in Telugu, Rs 0.75 Cr in Tamil, Rs 1.45 Cr in Hindi, and Rs 0.05 Cr in Kannada). After one week, the total net collection of the movie in India stands at Rs 117.69 Cr. In terms of language earnings, the film generated the most revenue in Telugu, totaling Rs 79.28 Cr, followed by Hindi with Rs 30.22 Cr. The total collection for Tamil by the end of the week reached Rs 7.71 Cr, while Kannada earned Rs 0.45 Cr and Malayalam brought in Rs 0.03 Cr.