Handball Federation gets Administrator


Sports & Allied News
JAMMU, Oct 05:
Plagued by the factionalism, the Handball Federation of India (HFI) has been dissolved by the District Registrar Firms and Society, Haryana and subsequently an ‘Administrator’ has been appointed to look into the affairs of the National sports body.The society in its order, issued vide Memo No. DIC/RTK/F&S/5284 dated 04-10-2021, asked the Administrator, Prof V P Luhach, Principal Scientist (Retired), Choudhary Charan Singh Agricultural University, Hisar in Haryana to look into the day to day working of the Federation and conduct the elections of the Federation in due course of time.The Federation was dissolved in view of the allegations of corruption and irregularities in the HFI and complaints lodged by Dr S M Bali and Kuldeep Singh with the District Registrar, Firms and Society in Rohtak, Haryana, where the HFI has been registered.Soon after taking over as Administration of the HFI, Prof Luhach has issued a circular informing all the affiliated state/UT and other units about the decision of the Registrar of the Societies. “From today that is October five, 2021, I have taken over the charge of the Federation and it’s my duty to intimate to all of you that the previous decisions taken by the so called HFI and null and void,” read the circular.Furthermore, the Administrator has informed the affiliated units that the fresh dates for the proposed national championships will be intimated within a fortnight.


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