As the romantic musical film ‘Sanam Teri Kasam’ sets its re-release in theatres this October, the makers of the film have announced its second part with actor Harshvardhan Rane as the lead. While Harshvardhan has been locked as the lead with the storyline getting finalised, the makers are yet to zero down on a director to helm the film. For Harshvardhan, returning to ‘Sanam Teri Kasam’ is like revisiting an old friend who has always been close to his heart. He said, “The love and connection that audiences have shown towards the film over the years is truly humbling. I’m thrilled to be a part of the producer of the original film, Deepak Mukuts sir’s world and bringing a story for you all with a sequel. They are creating something that honours the original while taking the journey forward in an exciting new direction.”The official spokesperson from the makers said in a statement, “We are pleased to announce that ‘Sanam Teri Kasam 2’ is indeed confirmed, featuring Harshvardhan Rane as the lead actor once again. The sequel’s story has been finalised. The director has yet to be finalised, as Soham Rockstar Entertainment is committed to selecting a strong and visionary director who can deliver a sequel that meets the high expectations of our audience”.‘Sanam Teri Kasam’ tells the story of a tough ex-convict Inder and a traditional librarian Saru. Inder and Saru fall in love and get married but a tragedy changes their lives forever.