Hindustan Shiv Sena hails decision of Guv


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, Oct 05 :
State president Vikrat Kapoor and State Gen. Secretary G.I Singh of Hindustan Shiv Sena while talking to media persons hailed the decision of Governor for drastic amendments in the Panchayat Raj Act 1989. These amendments in the act will strengthen the grass root democracy and participative planning in J&K. Now by these amendments more and more people will participate in the coming panchayat elections across the state. General Secretary expressed grave concern over the boycott of ULB and Panchayat elections across the state. General Secretary expressed grave concern over the boycott f ULB and Panchayat elections by main stream political parties like PDP AND NC on the pretext of article 35 A. As a matter of fact these Kashmir centric political parties are following the agenda of separatist’s forces and they are acting complimentary and supplementary to the wishes of separatists and antinational forces. We condemn the act of these parties. Secondly, these political parties know their worth and they are not in a position to face the public and win they are not in a position to face the public and win elections . It is very encouraging that large number of candidates is contesting election In Kashmir Valley despite boycott of main political parties and threats from militants. Threats form militants have failed to deter the candidates barring just few wars in south Kashmir.
He further said that in a democratic system ULB and panchayat elections are vey essential because power of governance goes to grass root level which benefits common people. After these elections central government will release huge funds which will be utilized by the local bodies and panchayats for the welfare of people. Hindustan Shvi sena supporting candidates of MJC on the basis of merit keeping in view their education, dedication, devotion and sincerity.


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