Home Remedies for Acne: Your Ultimate Guide to Get Rid of Acne


Acne is a common skin condition that occurs when the skin pores get clogged with oil and dead cells. The forehead is one of the most common areas where pimples or bumps may appear. In this guide, we’re going to answer the two most important questions that have probably left you wondering all this while. But, what causes forehead acne? Adult acne may occur primarily due to hormonal changes in the body but here are some more reasons why the forehead is susceptible to acne. It is often caused due to excess production of oil from the sebaceous glands leading to the blockage of hair follicles. There are times when eating of some foods can do more harm than good to your body. A diet comprising unhealthy foods can cause acne to a great extent. Acne is caused by secretion of too much oil (sebum) in the body. It can also be caused by genetics, irregular menstrual cycle, stress, hot and humid weather and even by oil-based makeup. Acne can also lead to scars on the face if not taken care of properly.
Here Are A Few Causes Of Acne:
1. Bad cosmetics: Forehead acne can occur due to certain makeup or hair products that may not suit you. Chemicals in certain shampoos, sprays or gels may drip off your hair and irritate the sensitive skin leading to blocked pores and acne flare ups as a reaction. Face acne may occur due to presence of laolin — it is a specific ingredient found in your foundation. When pores become clogged from such irritating ingredient, they attempt to flush themselves out, consequently resulting in acne.
2. Dandruff and greasy scalp:Dandruff and excess oil can clog the skin pores causing zits and pimples. Dandruff is one of the most common causes of forehead acne. People with oily scalp are also prone to have acne on the forehead, upper chest and the back. There are many creams and treatments available to cure the acne caused by dandruff. However, there’re many natural chemical-free methods; better to opt for home remedies.
3. Popping zits: We know how frustrating acne can be but popping the zits can cause the bacteria to spread and cause even more acne. Excoriated acne may occur when you have the habit of constantly touching your face to peel blemishes or remove blackheads which can only aggravate the condition.
4. Digestive problems: It is due to the functions of the digestive system that we are able to absorb all the beauty nutrients from the food we eat and they also help in removing the toxins. Lot of studies have showed that gastrointestinal distress like constipation, heartburn and abdominal bloating are likely to be associated with acne. Since skin is your largest organ, problems like acne, dermatitis and more may occur when something is wrong internally.
5. Stress: It has been found that when you are stressed more oil (sebum) is produced that clogs the hair follicles and allows more acne to form.


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