How harmful is binge drinking during adolescence


Binge drinking during adolescence can impair the working memory, finds a study.The study – conducted in mice by researchers at Columbia University Irving Medical Center – explains why teenagers who binge drink are 15 times more likely to become alcoholics during adulthood.”The question we’re asking is, can we find those switches in the adolescent binge drinker so that we can turn it off?”Other researchers have looked at the neuroscience of binge drinking–by getting mice intoxicated through vapor inhalation or alcohol injection. Michael Salling and his team are taking a different approach, allowing the mice to drink voluntarily.
“Short cuts are useful in getting animals to drink, but these models don’t resemble how drinking develops in humans,” Harrison said.The most striking changes the researchers saw appeared in neurons within the mouse equivalent of the human prefrontal cortex (PFC), which is involved in planning actions by suppressing inappropriate responses and maintaining working memory (which governs very short-term memory) and attention. The area does not completely mature in people until their 20s.In the binge-drinking mice, certain PFC neurons were less able to generate persistent activity, and these changes appear to impair working memory. This finding is consistent with imaging studies that show decreased resting activity in the PFC of alcoholics and binge drinkers.”These findings may help explain why human adolescent binge drinkers have memory problems,” Salling said, “but they also suggest that there are ways to intervene.”Harrison and Salling found that binge drinking altered neuron excitability by interfering with channels that allow ions to flow into the neurons.”Most adults with alcohol use disorders begin their excessive drinking as teenagers. If we hope to find ways to prevent or treat these disorders, it’s critical that we understand not only the social and environment.


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