Huma : Can’t compete with big stars, don’t understand leagues. I’m just an actor ready to swim against the tide


Huma Qureshi isn’t living in a bubble, and knows exactly what she yearns for as an actor. She wants to be recognised for her quality of work, not by the quantity.
As simple it may sound, it takes a lot to say no to lucrative offers that can get you exposure and remuneration, too. But the Bollywood actor, it seems, is ready for all those challenges. Not part of any rat race, Huma wants to balance between, “looking good beside the hero” and also “remembered for substantial roles”.
Excerpts:?Now I need to just work with Mira Nair and complete the trinity (laughs). Well, I’m only focusing on good work.
I’m known to be a little choosy, and I’m proud of it. Work needs to be exciting enough to take someone as lazy as me out of my home. I want to be inspired when I’m working and for that, I can go wherever it takes me.Why not? Regional space is quite exciting right now.
Hindi cinema is remaking a number of regional films. And regional films aren’t just successful in their own territory but pan India as well.
The advantage is that their story is so specific to the people and culture that they become universal. Like my favourite [Spanish] filmmaker Luis Bunel had said ‘When you tell a story so specific, it becomes universal’.
You narrate the story of a dalit boy in a far flung village, his aspirations and troubles, it instantly connects with people.


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