I don’t want to do something that would embarrass my family: Preity


Actress Preity Zinta, last seen with Sunny Deol in Bhaiaji Superhit looks back at her career and calls Chori Chori Chupke Chupke as one of her most challenging films.“My most daring film was Chori Chori Chupke Chupke in which I played the character of Madhubala. But I was acting in the film with the head of censor board — Salman Khan. He ensured that he changed dialogues or costumes that he felt were cheap,” she recalls.“Salman has a very old-school of thinking in a good way. He made sure that there had to be decency and even grandma should be able to watch the movie. I also have some basic laws in my life where I don’t want to do anything that would embarrass my present family or my future children,” she added.


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