I have never been recognised in my industry: Kirsten Dunst


Actor Kirsten Dunst says she feels like a nobody in Hollywood as she has never received award recognition despite several critically-acclaimed performances. During an interview on SiriusXM’s In-Depth with Larry Flick, the 37-year-old actor listed films such asDrop Dead Gorgeous and Mary Antoinette, which were panned by the critics but loved by the audiences.“Remember Marie Antoinette — y’all panned it — and now you all love it. Remember Drop Dead Gorgeous? Panned. Now, you all love it. It’s, like, interesting for me. I feel a lot of things I do, people like later. I’ve never been recognised in my industry,” Kirsetn Dunst said.“I’ve never been nominated for anything. Maybe like, twice. For a Golden Globe (one) when I was little, and one for (TV series) Fargo. I always feel like a nobody. I don’t know, maybe they just think I’m the girl from Bring It On,” she added.Kirsten Dunst, who received widespread recognition for her portrayal of Mary Jane Watson in Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man trilogy, said part of the reason could be her lack of participation.“I am so chill. Maybe I don’t play the game enough. But then I do, I mean I do everything I’m supposed to. It’s not like I’m rude or like, not doing publicity or anything,” the actor added.


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