In Delhi, 5 rape cases reported every day: Police


New Delhi, Dec 17 :
Crime against women continues unabated in the national capital despite various claims. The Delhi police data shows that in every 50 hours, a dowry death was reported in the city while over 5 rapes were reported in a day from January till 30th November this year.
Every 24 hours, over five women are raped while nine are molested in the national capital, revealed the Delhi police data. The police records also show that 138 dowry deaths were reported in the city, while last year the death toll in dowry cases was 118. The number of rapes in Delhi registered a rise in 2018, with data suggesting an average of over five cases every day. As many as 1,983 cases of rape were reported in 2018 till November 30 as compared to1,979 cases during the same period in 2017.
Data also revealed that 3,066 cases of molestation, 3,214 cases of kidnapping of women, and 248 cases of abduction of women were reported till the end of November this year.
A senior police official said that in maximum instances, rape cases belonged to the age group of 21-35 years. The official added that 60 to 65 per cent of female victims were between 15-30 years. Almost 39 per cent of the rapes were committed by friends and friends of family members, he added.


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