Indian Army organised Lecture On AIDS At Nali Patnazi Furoan Academy, Kishtwar


Kishtwar ,MAY 20
Well-being of the AWAM, continues to spearhead programs aimed at enhancing healthcare in the region by Indian Army in line with this steadfast spirit, conducted a crucial awareness lecture on the topic of ‘Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)’ to commemorate ‘World AIDS Vaccine Day’. The lecture resonated within the hallowed halls of ‘Nali Village (Patnazi)’ and the esteemed ‘Furqan Academy, Kishtwar’. The gathering included ‘30 residents’ from Nali Village and an attentive audience of 200 students from Furqan Academy. The Indian Army’s unwavering commitment to community health was palpable throughout the lecture. Both residents and student appreciated the Indian Army’s tireless efforts in organising these impartful awareness programs and coneyed their gratitude for this effort.


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