With already so many biggies in the pipeline already, actor Kiara Advani has bagged another film. This time, it’s a female-centric one that features her in a titular character. The film’s title is ‘Indoo Ki Jawani’ and Kiara plays the role of Indoo Gupta, a spunky girl from Ghaziabad who lands into hilarious chaos after using a dating app with left and right swipes. Mumbai Mirror quoted Kiara expressing her excitement over having her first ‘in & as’ film. While she refused to give away details about the film, the Kabir Singh actor revealed that it’s ‘edgy, lovable and quirky.’ She added that the script demands her to learn the UP dialect and she will be doing a lot of workshops to get her dialect right in the film. Kiara also said that while she doesn’t have an experience of using the dating app, she has heard her friends dealing with unexpected situations while using the app.
The daily quoted the actor saying, “This is such a special script, I think we (producer Nikkhil Advani and her) were meant to do it together. I have friends using these apps and have heard a lot of fun stories of their experiences. But nothing compared to what we have for you.”
Indoo Ki Jawani marks the Hindi film debut of popular Bengali film writer-director Abir Sengupta. It is being produced by writer Niranjan Iyengar, Emmay Entertainment, Nikkhil Advani, Monisha Advani, Madhu Bhojwani, and Ryan Stephen.
Talking about backing the subject, Nikkhil revealed that he wanted to collaborate on a woman-oriented film at his earliest after an incident that took place at his office. He said when his daughter once came to visit him at the office and saw the posters of his films, she asked, “why all of them had only men and no women.” He went on to say, “Around the time, I heard this story that Niranjan and Ryan brought to us and fell in love with it. Thankfully, it revolves around a female protagonist.”
More details regarding the shoot-schedule and release date of Indoo Ki Jawani are yet to be revealed. Meanwhile, Kiara is currently busy with the promotions of Shahid Kapoor starrer Kabir Singh. She also wrapped up the first shoot schedule of the Vikram Batra biopic – Sher Shah, with Sidharth Malhotra. The actor has also got Laxmmi Bomb with Akshay Kumar up her sleeve.