Is air pollution making you feel sick? Here are simple home remedies to boost your immunity


With the pollution levels rising in the capital city of Delhi and nearby areas, people have started experiencing symptoms of cold, cough, fever and flu. These symptoms may range from runny nose, dry eyes, soar throat to wheezing, nausea, and headache among others.While pre-emptive measures to control the pollution crisis, that has become common during this time of the year, have been initiated by the Delhi government including the odd-even scheme, there are simple measures that people can take at home to prevent infections.Rubbing mustard oil on your navel in circular motions is said to help the stimulation of gastric and bile juices from the liver and spleen. This helps the food to get digested faster and easily, keeping the gut going. Application of the oil on the navel is also said to cure discolouration of lips.
Turmeric is known to have anti-bacterial properties, and should be consumed liberally in food. ‘Haldi wala doodh‘ is also said to help the body recover from infections. Just add a teaspoon of turmeric powder or paste to a glass of milk. Let it boil for 4-5 minutes. Consume it warm.
Herbal tea
For prepare some ginger and basil tea, boil 1-2 glasses of water in a teapot. Add a spoon of grated ginger and 5-6 leaves of tulsi or basil leaves to the boiling water. Brew it for five minutes and strain off ginger and basil leaves. You can add a dash of honey or jaggery to your potion.
Have a spoon of warm ghee or just add it to your food. It is claimed that ghee, a class of clarified butter, can reduce the ill-effects of pollutants, including lead and mercury, in the air. Considered as a great source of omega 3 fatty acids, it is also anti-inflammatory and a rich source of antioxidant which makes it a must-have. It promotes an alkaline environment in the body, making it difficult for diseases and illnesses to manifest in the body.
Jaggery has anti-inflammatory properties and is also a rich source of iron — which is why it is a good idea to included it in one’s diet as it boosts immunity. Iron-rich foods help improve the haemoglobin level in blood, which in turn increases its oxygen-carrying capacity. This helps cut down the acute effects of pollution.
Beta carotene
Beta carotene is needed to control inflammation that is caused due to the presence of free radicals and pollutants in the environment. Some good sources of beta carotene are coriander, fenugreek, lettuce and spinach. This carotenoid rich in antioxidants gets converted into Vitamin A when ingested, helping fight off the pollutants.


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