Actress Isha Koppikar recently took to social media to share her secret to staying fresh, glowing, and timeless. In an Instagram post, she humorously responded to the common question, “Do I live in a refrigerator?” as people often wonder how she manages to maintain her evergreen beauty.Isha posted a video of her revealing that her flawless appearance is not just a result of water intake, but a combination of mindful self-care, hard work, and the right approach to health. In the clip, the Krishna Cottage actress could be heard saying, “It’s not only about having water. It’s a lot of hard work. You have to be very mindful about your thoughts. It’s also about genetics to some extent.” Isha emphasized the importance of a balanced diet, sharing that she enjoys a variety of fruits, including papaya, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and citrus fruits like oranges. She also makes it a point to consume at least one raw vegetable juice daily to keep her body nourished and energized.