Ishani Vellodi Reddy reaches out to the elderly


As Covid-19 fears intensify and there’s palpable panic, Ishani Vellodi Reddy, wellness consultant, certified health coach and daughter-in-law of the Apollo Hospital family, tried to soothe the nerves through her popular Instagram account. She posted a video offering to help those in need of medicines, food or transport.

She says, “In the situation we find ourselves in, panic just adds to anxiety. What does help is channeling that energy towards making responsible choices and engaging in social distancing to do our part in preventing further infection.”

Speaking about her video that has garnered great goodwill, Ishani says she wants to reach out to the elderly: “The elderly and those with compromised immune systems are the most vulnerable right now and it’s our responsibility to do what we can to assist them. In addition to taking precautions to not infect anyone, now is the time to also lend a helping hand. I am happy to offer to do groceries for elderly people who live nearby, pick up their medicines from the pharmacy, or even send them cooked food. Don’t forget: they’re probably the most afraid, and rightly so. In times like this, if we all spend a little less energy panicking, and a lot more energy into acts of humanity, responsibility, and kindness, it can make a world of difference. We must all be able to reach out and do our bit,” she urges.”


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