Actress Ishita Dutta Sheth, who had her first child, son Vayu, with actor-husband Vatsal Sheth in June of last year, is returning to work after a two-year absence. While she is eager to make her comeback, Ishita admits it was a difficult decision to make. She said, “The decision to get back to work was very tough. I thought I would come back after six months, but when the time came to say yes to any project, I felt reluctant. But my parents, in-laws and husband all said, ‘We are here to take care of Vayu.’ Vatsal and I both plan our schedules according to him.”She continued, “Every working woman goes through that guilt. That first day when you have to leave your child and go to work, it will always be hard, be it six months or two years. A mother will always have that separation anxiety; I had it too, but I made it.” “We are getting him here. We will see how it goes. If he is able to adjust then, he will stay with me till the end of the schedule. I want to start working properly but I will take a month or two between projects to spend time with him,” the actor said.