Jammu getting ready fun run on friendship day


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu July 29:
This launch is being addressed by Nidhi abrol owner of BURN A TON( unisex fitness club) To promote a habit of staying healthy & creating an awareness among people especially the youth, Burn-a-Ton ( Unisex Fitness Club) is organising a Fun-Run-Cum-Exhibition on 4th August 2019.
The Fun-Run-Cum- Exhibition shall start at 5.30am at River Tawi Front ( near Ware house Jammu).
The event is based on the theme of friendship & universal brotherhood. The fun race will comemorate with Friendship Day falling on 4th August.
The event will have many fun games for young buddies & the winners will be given prizes. The club has drawn a health calendar of such events and make such events a regular features in the City of Temples.
The organizers declared that it would make every effort to ensure that the message of heathy youth, healthy Jammu & healthy nation is taken to every corner of the city.
The event will be sponsored by well known brands in the field of Food cousins, Fashion Houses, Boutiques and many others.


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