J&K State Bharat Scouts and Guides celebrates foundation Day/Flag Day


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, NOV, 08
The J&K State Bharat Scouts and guides, Jammu, celebrated its foundation Day/ Flag Day, here, at SHQ Gandhi Nagar, Jammu on Thursday 8th November, 2018 in which about 200 Scouts/Guides, Scouters/ Guiders and heads of various institutions participated. Most venerated Sh Kavinder Gupta, Ho’nble MLA Gandhi Nagar (Ex-Deputy Chief Minister) of J&K State was Chief guest and Roma Wani Ji, Senior Vice President of J&K Bharat Scouts & Guides presided over and Sh RK Srangal, Director School Education (Vice-President, J&K Bharat Scouts & Guides) Dr Saleem-ur-Rehman, Director General, Youth Services & Sports (Vice-President, J&K Bharat Scouts & Guides), Jenab Sohail Kazmi, renowned Journalist, Madan Lal, Joint Director youth Service & Sports and Smt Chanchal Kour, District Youth Services & Sports were Guests of Honor. Sakina Bano Advisor, Nasreen Khan, Mrs Prabha Jain, Raj Bharti also graced the occasion with their presence.
Scouts/Guides also approached dignitaries, VIP, friends, neighbors, high officials and gracious supporters and presented Scouts/Guides stickers, on this day, to them, as a taken of acclaiming them strong upholder and maintainer of this benign-movement. Shri HL Dogra, Joint State Commissioner welcomend all the dignitaries, the guests, and the students also gave a brief of the importance of this day as it is day of introspection of all connected with the movement. The agenda was given start with All-Faith Prayer. Some Scouts and guides and Scouters/ Guiders also spoke on the importance of this auspicious day and it was followed by some cultural items pertaining to the occasion.


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