JKSAC holds meeting for settlement of PoK DPs


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu,jUN 22;.
Jammu Kashmir Sharnarthi Action Committee (JKSAC) held a meeting of former Panches and Sarpanches of adjoining DP colonies at Badyal Brahmana, R.S Pura, Jammu and deliberated upon the issues in detail concerning the one time settlement of DP’s of 1947 from POK. The participants also discussed about the problems/ difficulties being faced by DP’s in connection with the disbursement of the P.M package of Rs. 2000 crore. The participants strongly condemned the authorities both at State and Central level responsible for delaying the disbursement resulting in the harassment of DP’s. They urged upon Sh. Vohra to expedite the process of disbursement and also project the issues of DP’s of 1947 from POK separately as they have no similarities with other categories. While addressing the meeting Gurdev Singh President along with Sh. Netar Prakash and Sarpanch Om Prakash expressed serious concern regarding the inordinate delay being made by authorities in disbursement process and direct cash transfer in DP’s account. He said that even after lapse of one and half year period approximately 7,000 beneficiaries have received the cash relief.
He took head upon the State and Central administration concerning disbursement for not taking corrective measures for the failure of biometric/ faulty system of disbursement, thus causing resentment among applicant DP’s who are taking rounds of Div. Comm./ Director Finance Revenue section to know the reason that why have been ignored for the payment. Despite of several assurances given by the authorities no corrective measures and alternate measures have been taken in this regard and it has given space to vested interested elements to exploit the DP’s for monetarily benefits.
He urged upon the concerned authorities to adopt the corrective measures immediately and expedite the disbursement in a time framed manner.
He further reiterated that the DP’s of 1947 from POK have always been remained neglected and discriminated by various dispensation of the state and even outgoing BJP and PDP collation Govt. remained non-serious despite of keeping the issues in their alliance agenda. He maintained that till today, justice have not been done with DP’s. Whatever they were given on one hand was taken back by Govt. other hand. Their wards have never been given any kind of reservation or employment package in state and central govt. services like-wise Kashmiri migrants. They are till today living in unhygienic colonies which have been never developed despite of tons of assurances. The land/ plot under their dwelling have not been regularized and mutated in their names inspite of available clear cut laws/ orders resulting in their suffering as they cannot obtain loan or sell the same as per their needs. The Armed Forces have forcibly occupied their allotted land in many areas from the last more than six decades and neither they are being paid the rent nor they are allowed to cultivate their mutated lands. They are not even allowed to build their houses over the mutated land, allotted prior to the army establishments. Thousands of families have been left out for compensation in connection with deficiency of land allotted to them.
He urged upon Sh. N.N. Vohra to direct the concerning authorities to prepare separately a comprehensive road map for the one time settlement of DP’s as per the JPC report, taking into account the loss of lives and property they have suffered. He urged upon the DP’s not be mislead by false propaganda made by vested interested elements regarding the second instalment, as there is no such order issued from the Govt. side though the Central Govt. has assured us on my occasions to be compensated adequately, yet the DP’s have to strive hard to achieve the target.
The other Panches who participated are Yograj, Om Prakash, Akshay Sharma, Rajesh Kumar, Gurjeet Singh, Tilak Raj and Bhumi Prashad.


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