JKSSB clears selection for 209 posts of Inspectors, Sub-Inspectors in Finance Deptt


Jammu, Jan 3:
J&K Services Selection Board (JKSSB) today cleared selection for 209 posts of Inspectors and Sub-Inspectors of the Finance Department. According JKSSB spokesman, Malik Suhail, these selections include 42 posts of Inspectors, 167 posts of Sub-Inspectors. He said the selections were cleared at an extraordinary meeting of the Board convened here today under the chairmanship of JKSSB Chairman, Zubair Ahmad. Members of the Board, Anil Koul, Prof Tasleema Peer, Dr Nirupa Rai, Ajay Kumar Sharma, Rachna Sharma and Vivek Sharma, Controller Examinations, JKSSB,Musheer Ahmad Mirza, Secretary, JKSSB, Ranjeet Singh and other officers of the Board were present at the meeting. The spokesman said that the Board was earlier unable to forward part selections for the posts of Inspectors and complete selections for the posts of Sub-Inspectors to the Finance Department due to multiple litigations and preferences sought by the J&K Services Selection Board. “Recently, after the JKSSB filed replies in all these cases, the High Court vide clubbed judgement dated: 31.12.2018 in 14 writ petitions, dismissed these petitions in favour of the Board,” he said and added that after the dismissal of the writ petitions, the Board today in an extraordinary meeting cleared these selections and authorized the Secretary of the Board to forward these selections to the indenting department, strictly as per approval accorded by the Board in its 136thmeeting. He said the Board also approved cancellation of recommendations in respect of 17 candidates for different categories of posts, whose recommendations had been kept withheld for completing deficiencies and who failed to do so despite repeated notices by the Board. In a separate issue, the spokesman said that the Board also noted that at the time of inviting applications for the post of Naib Tehsildar in 2015, it had not obtained the subcategory-wise details of the candidates in Physically Handicapped Category, as the portal on which the online application forms were filled did not have the option of seeking subcategory details in Physically Handicapped Category at that time. “As a result, the Board was not able to shortlist candidates strictly as per subcategories in the Physically Handicapped Category at the time of issuance of shortlist and instead the shortlist was notified strictly as per merit obtained by the candidates in the written examination in the Physically Handicapped Category,” he said and added that it was thought proper to establish during the Counselling-cum-Document Verification process, as to whether all the subcategories under Physically Handicapped Category have been represented in the short-listing, as the posts allocable under Physically Handicapped Category necessitate allocation of at least one post for each subcategory in terms of rules applicable for Physically Handicapped Category.
“During Counselling-cum-Document Verification, it was established that candidates of only two sub-categories relating to locomotory and vision, are figuring in the shortlist of Physically Handicapped Category and no candidate with ‘hearing impairment’ was found,” he said and added that to align the shortlist of Physically Handicapped Category with applicable rules, the Board decided to seek claims of all the candidates who would qualify for consideration under the ‘hearing impairment’ subcategory of Physically Handicapped Category, so that out of all claims so received, the required number of candidates of the said subcategory, strictly on the basis of merit, are shortlisted and called for Interview and Counselling-cum-Document Verification at an earliest.
The spokesman said that such candidates have been advised to file their claims with Administrative Officer, Services Selection Board, Divisional Office, Kashmir (Srinagar) in Kashmir Province and with Secretary, J&K Services Selection Board, Sehkari Bhawan, Railhead Complex, Jammu on 9th and 10th of January, 2019, failing which no claim shall be accepted/entertained, subsequently.
The spokesman said that in another issue, the Board also noted that during Counselling-cum-Document Verification process of the candidates shortlisted in ESM category for the posts of Teachers in some districts, it has been observed that the candidates had not filled up their data properly, as a result of which ineligible candidates have figured in the shortlist of the ESM category in some districts and their ineligibility has been established during document verification process.
“It was also observed that the candidates with locomotory handicap are also required to be called for Counselling-cum-Document Verification in respect of posts of Teachers in a few districts, after a clarification in this regard has been obtained from the Social Welfare Department,” he said and added that the Board accordingly approved to align the shortlists of these two categories in the required districts, strictly as per rules applicable, by calling such candidates for Counselling-cum-Document Verification in these districts so that these selections do not run into litigations.
“Such Counselling-cum-Document Verification for districts of Jammu province is being scheduled on 11 January 2019 at J&K Services Selection Board, Sehkari Bhawan, Railhead Complex, Jammu and for districts of Kashmir on 14 & 15 January 2019, at Camp Office, J&K Services Selection Board, ZumZum Complex, Srinagar,” he said and added that the detailed notifications in this regard are being uploaded on the official website of the J&K Services Selection Board by tomorrow and no claim in this regard shall be accepted/entertained, subsequently, from any candidate as the Board is in the process of finalizing the selection of Teachers, immediately.


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