JMC Removes unauthorised advertisement structures / hoardings


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, July, 16
In order to curb the menace of unauthorised advertisements, the Jammu Municipal Corporation has launched an extensive drive against the unauthorised hoardings /structures erected to display the advertisements within the jurisdiction of Jammu Municipal Corporation. During the drive that started a few days back, the team constituted for the task have dismantled 12 nos. of such unauthorised hoardings/structures which were erected at different places like Panjthirthi, Gandhi Nagar, Trikuta Nagar, B.C. Road, Tope Sherkhania, Narwal, Sidhra, Roop Nagar, Shastri Nagar, Kunjwani etc. by pressing men & machinery into service. The removed structures were in violation of the provisions of J&K Municipal Corporation Act 2000.
Whereas, as per the J&K Municipal Corporation Act, 2000 no advertisement shall be erected, exhibited, fixed or retained upon or over any land, building, wall, boarding, frame, post or structure or upon any vehicle or shall be displayed in any manner, whatsoever in any place within the municipal area without the written permission of the Commissioner granted in accordance with bye-laws, made under the Act.
Whereas, as per the Advertisement Policy 2010 no person except licensed or registered advertisers or agencies is allowed to undertake the display of advertisement on behalf of others without prior permission of Commissioner.
Whereas the installation of such illegal hoardings / sign boards / posters / banners / bill boards defaces the property, buildings and walls of the city and are also constant threat to pedestrians and traffic safety.
Whereas, as per the Jammu & Kashmir Prevention of Defacement of Property Act, whoever defaces any property in public view by writing or marking with ink, chalk, paint or any material, except for the purpose of indicating the name & address of the owner or occupier of such property, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months or with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees or with both.
Whereas, the advertisement policy further provides that “Whenever any advertisement is displayed in contravention of section 116 of the J&K Municipal Act 2000, the same is actionable as per provisions of section 119 and 384 of the J&K Municipal Act 2000.
The Jammu Municipal Corporation appeals to all those who have erected, exhibited, fixed unauthorised advertisements either on their private buildings / on public spaces to remove and dismount all such advertisements and structures forthwith failing which the same shall be removed forthwith at the risk, cost and responsibility of violators and penal action as per the provisions of J&K Municipal Corporation Act, 2000 shall be initiated against them. The drive shall also continue in the coming days.


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