JU organizes webinar on the topic “Gulzar Ki Treweni”


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, Dec, 01
Department of Urdu , University of Jammu organized a webinar on the topic “Gulzar Ki Treweni” here today. The webinar was attended by different Urdu scholars throughout the world. The reputed Urdu poet and critic Dr Taqi Abedi of Canada was the keynote speaker of the webinar. The webinar was presided over by Vice Chancellor of University of Jammu Prof. Manoj Kumar Dhar while Samporan Singh Gulzar a legendary poet, film maker and writer was the Chief Guest on the occasion. Speaking on the occasion, Gulzar sb, complimented University of Jammu for organizing a webinar on his “Treweni’s”. He lauded the efforts of Vice Chancellor of University of Jammu Prof. Manoj Kumar Dhar, who is working tirelessly for the upliftment of culture and language. Gulzar informed that recently he has translated some poetry in 24 languages of India and Pakistan. The book has been recently published and it is the result of his nine years of hard work. Gular enthralled the audience with his latest “Treweni’s”. In his presidential address, Prof. Manoj Kumar Dhar, Vice Chancellor of University of Jammu thanked Gulzar and Dr Taqi Abedi for their special interest towards University of Jammu, which has surely uplifted the moral of the faculty and the students. He further said that it was a matter of great hnour that University of Jammu was able to get the Golden Jubilee Celebrations inaugurated by s Gulzar sahib and after pandemic is over, University shall again request and extend invitation for valedictory function of Golden Jubilee celebrations. Describing Gulzar not only a Urdu poet of par excellence but also a noble soul, who has by virtue of his caliber and simplicity earned huge fan following with and outside India. Earlier, Dr Taqi Abedi threw light in detail on the “Treweni’s” written by Gulzar. He informed that “Treweni’s” is based on three verses of poetry. The writer can produce romantic as well as social themes in the “Treweni’s” in urdu. His Treweni’s should be introduced in the syllabi of the every University of India so that new generation could know about the new form of poetry. He further said that Gulzar is the symbol of composite culture in India and is also a symbol of Urdu civilization , who has written many collection of short stories. His Treweni’s are impressive as well as attractive. Dr Taqi Abedi quoted some beautiful Treweni’s of Gulzar which were highly appreciated by Viewers. He described Gulzar the father of Urdu Treweni’s.
Earlier Prof. Shohab Inayat Malik Dean Faculty of Arts and HOD Urdu presented a detailed welcome address. He described Gulzar a treasure of Urdu language and literature, who had popularized Urdu film throughout the world by his poetry. He had given a message of mutual understanding and communal harmony. One University of Jammu students has written a book on Gulzar Short Stories which would be released on the occasion of the valedictory function of Golden Jubilee celebrations for which Gulzar sahib would travel to University of Jammu.
The invitation of Prof. Shohab Inayat Malik was accepted by Gulzar whole heartedly. Prof. Shohab Inayat Malik also introduced Dr Taqi Abedi to the viewers and listeners. He described him a ambassador of urdu language who is authority on Gaib, Iqbal, Faiz Ahmed Faiz and Mir Aness. Dr Taqi Abedi though is a reputed physician but he has rendered marvelous service to Urdu language and literature. Author of two dozens of books in Urdu he is promoting the Urdu language in Europe and America for the last 40 years. His contribution to Urdu upliftment and also for the promotion of urdu language would be written in Golden words by urdu historians added Prof. Shohab .


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