Actress Kajal Aggarwal has been making headlines in for her glamorous outfits. The actress stunned audience yet again in her off-white indo western outfit from Seeaash.Taking to Instagram the actress posted a series of pictures where she was seen posing in different backgrounds embracing this new look captured by fashion photographer Yash Jangid. Styled by fashion stylist Archa Mehta Kajal, she was seen wearing a sleeveless front slit embroidered kurti with tread work acting as a lace. She paired it with flared matching embroidered pants. The outfit was accessorised beautiful pearl earrings from Amama Jewels and shimmery bow dressed heels from Modax shoes. As for the hair and makeup, Kajal was glammed up by makeup artist Vishal Charan with dark black lining eyeliner and Kajal alongside dark nude eyeshadow, lipstick and blush giving the actress a bold look. Hairstylist Swapnil Kashid completed the look by giving the actress straight middle parted hair flowing till the actress’s shoulder in a layered cut.