Kangana Ranaut has shared her views on the rising success of South Indian films compared to Bollywood at the box office. According to the actor, one of the main reasons behind this trend is that Hindi films have increasingly lost touch with reality. Speaking at Agenda Aaj Tak, Kangana was asked about the massive popularity of Allu Arjun’s Pushpa franchise and how it compares to the current situation in Bollywood. She remarked, “Pehele toh mujhe nahi lagta ke Bollywood or Hindi cinema ne mainstream hone ka theka liya hua hai (I don’t think Bollywood can be dubbed as mainstream). They are not mainstream by any standard. Our films should be defined as the Indian film industry, one industry in which every type of audience is addressed.” Kangana attributed the success of Pushpa 2 to the relatable character Allu Arjun portrays, a daily wage worker. She pointed out Bollywood’s detachment from reality as a major issue. “People in Bollywood live in a bubble. And that is one of the biggest reasons I have a problem with them. Kyunki yeh log bubble se nikalna nahi chahte han (They don’t want to come out of the bubble). All they need is to go to the gym, take protein shakes, take injections. They don’t have any connection with reality,” she said.