Kareena Kapoor Khan, recently featured in Singham Again and graced the Red Sea Festival in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. As a member of Bollywood’s first film dynasty, she has witnessed the evolving trends of what succeeds and fails at the box office.She said, “The formula for a movie to work is simple: create magic. Whether it’s through powerful emotions, gripping action, or unforgettable music, if it leaves you inspired and moved in those 2-2.5 hours, it’s a success.” She stressed that a film’s true essence lies in its ability to create magic within the 2-2.5 hours it engages the audience. “In a movie, there has to be magic. In those 2-2.5 hours, something needs to touch you—whether it’s the action, the music, or the story. Kareena Kapoor Khan’s remarks reflect the essence of Bollywood’s storytelling tradition, where films go beyond mere entertainment to deliver transformative experiences that linger long after the credits roll.