Kareena Kapoor Khan has once again left her fans mesmerized with her latest look. The actress took to social media to share a series of stunning photos where she is seen dressed in a regal purple lehenga. Kareena looked every bit the diva, as fans flooded the comment section, hailing her as a “Queen.” The actress will be soon seen in Singham Again with Ajay Devgn, Arjun Kapoor, and others. Taking to her Instagram handle, Kareena Kapoor shared photos in which she looks elegant in a lehenga. Her makeup game is also on point. “ Singham Again, this Diwali 1st November,” read the caption. As soon as she shared photos, fans reacted. Many fans called her a queen. Arjun Kapoor also reacted and called her ‘Mass’. On Saturday, Kareena Kapoor, Ajay Devgn, and Rohit Shetty were spotted celebrating Dussehra in New Delhi.The trailer opens with Kareena Kapoor narrating to her son how Ram fought for Sita and travelled to Sri Lanka to rescue her. When the son shows doubt if his father will ever do such a heroic thing for his mother, Ajay Devgn says, “Google pe Bajirao Singham type kar le, pata chal jayega tera baap kaun hai. The story revolves around the abduction of Kareena Kapoor by Arjun Kapoor. Ajay Devgn is determined that he won’t spare anyone until he saves his wife. And in this fight – Sangram “Simmba” Bhalerao (Ranveer Singh), Veer Sooryavanshi (Akshay Kumar), Shakti Shetty (Deepika Padukone) and Tiger Shroff come together. It will be interesting to see how they will help him in saving Kareena Kapoor.