Katrina Kaif has begun preparing for her role in Gurmmeet Singh directorial Phone Bhoot along with Ishaan Khatter and Siddhant Chaturvedi. The actress seems excited about her horror-comedy project and shared a glimpse of a script reading session at home on social media. Meanwhile, the actress is enjoying working from home as the actress is posing for the commercial advertisement from her house. A few days back, Katrina shared a hilarious compilation video of some of her failed tales of work from home video calling meetings. Now, Katrina Kaif shared a stunning picture of herself in a black sporty avatar on Instagram. The actress captioned the post, “The new stay at home showstoppers, having some fun with the new ReebokXVictoriaBeckham collection. Katrina inspires her fans to stay at home in the pandemic while being a showstopper for a sports brand.On the work front, Katrina will share the screen space with Ishaan Khatter and Siddhant Chaturvedi in the horror-comedy film ‘Phone Bhoot’, helmed by Gurmeet Singh and produced by Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar. On the professional front, Katrina Kaif was last seen in Ali Abbas Zaffar’s film ‘Bharat’ opposite Salman Khan and will be seen next in Rohit Shetty’s cop universe ‘Sooryavanshi’ opposite Akshay Kumar. ‘Sooryavanshi’ was supposed to hit the screens on March 24th, 2020 but due to the COVID-19 lockdown movie shifted towards 2021 release. She has also been confirmed to be a part of Ali Abbas Zaffar’s next superhero film ‘Super Soldier’.